Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Well, I'm on vacation this week... so far we've been to Bangor for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Hung out with my Aunty and Uncle Ron all weekend, shopping, gambling, more shopping, helping with computer stuff, looking at old photos, oh and did I say shopping. Love it! Jay and I came home Monday, had dinner at my parents, unpacked, and crashed.

Whew... Taking a breath now...

Today we just chilled, watched a movie with my Mom and Grammie and hung out with Kate:) Now, tomorrow will be another fun day. I get to have lunch with my Aunt Connie and then help her set up a blog of her own. She is such a good writer and really knowledgeable. I think it will be a great venue for her to share what she knows. Plus I love visiting with her. I also am taking my Nana, who lives across the street, to a local gym. They have a program called Silver Sneakers that is for people her age, I really like that there are programs out there that are good health wise but also a good social thing too. Ok, enough for now, it's late:) Night...